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| DNA 3

DNA 3.

Expand your intuitive skills.

DNA-3 is the long-awaited seminar for advanced ThetaHealing ® students.

DNA-3 is knowing how to work with inorganic and organic matter and the awareness that we can step outside of our own paradigm and quickly achieve beneficial changes in health and well-being by utilizing the mitochondria of DNA. By gaining the knowledge that each of us creates our own reality and also the knowledge that we can step out of it if we choose.


The seminar includes deep work on anger and other belief systems to get to know oneself, intuitive alignment of the Eternal Molecules, spiritual bi-location, understanding the energy fields of non-organic matter and the power of our words to create our reality.

Practitioners who completed this seminar appreciated the immediate and noticeable improvement in intuitive skills. Life can take on a new lightness as you apply these techniques to yourself and your clients. You will also discover the true potential of your beautiful mind. This seminar offers an impressive expansion of our ThetaHealing skills and is recommended for all practitioners who wish to live a life of consistent Seventh Level knowledge and connection to the Creator of All That Is.

This seminar is filled with many practical exercises to learn how we can change the world around us. Learn how to create your own reality while releasing the blocks that keep you from creating your reality.

seminar documents

The ThetaHealing DNA 3 Practitioner's Handbook.


There are two alternative requirements for participation in this seminar:

Variant 1: Basic DNA, Structure DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator and Intuitive Anatomy
Variant 2: Basic DNA, Structure DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator, You and your Inner Circle and World Relationships

Length of time

5 days

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Everlead Theme.

457 Big Blue Street, NY 10013
(315) 5512-2579

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