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| you and the creator

you and the creator.

Deepen your connection with the energy of creation.

In this life it should be part of our development to reach different levels of love; Love for yourself, love for the Creator, love for your significant other, how it feels to truly love your family, love your friends and love the world. We must be able to master all of this, but how can we achieve this when our innate programs say it is impossible?

You and the Creator show you and teach you to understand the subliminal of your own subconscious. How does your body and subconscious solve problems and how do you tell the difference between communicating with the Creator's energy and communicating with your ego or higher self?

The Creator is an energy of perfect and pure love that can transform your life. This energy, this life force, is in every atom and atoms are a part of you and everything around you. We will learn the difference in these perceptions and you will learn how to work on and recalibrate your subconscious to make it work for you.

This is an important seminar because every time we teach a seminar someone always says, "How do I know the answer is from the Creator?" This seminar will teach you how to get your mind to understand this.


The Brain: We will discuss the Greatest Super Computer: The Brain as well as the influence of our conscious and subconscious minds on our patterns and programs.

The Subconscious Aspects: We will learn about the different aspects of our subconscious: the Survival Self, the Subliminal Self, the Ego Self, and the Higher Self. We learn to identify these aspects during faith work to gain a better understanding of a client's programs or ourselves.

The difference between the Creator and yourself : Learn the difference between communicating with the Creator and communicating with your subconscious aspects.

Understanding Messages: We discuss tips on how to better understand messages from the Creator.

Communication with the Creator: Various things can help us to better communicate with the Creator.

Sorting things out: Various points can make clear communication with the Creator difficult. Learn to sort them out.

Messages from the Planes of Existence: Learn the difference between messages from the Creator and messages from the other planes of existence.

seminar documents

The seminar includes the ThetaHealing® You and the Creator book and ThetaHealing You and the Creator Handout for practitioners.


Base DNA, Build DNA, and Dig Deeper

Length of time

The seminar lasts 2 days.

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Everlead Theme.

457 Big Blue Street, NY 10013
(315) 5512-2579

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