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levels of existence.

Learn the source of the ThetaHealing Technique philosophy.

The planes of existence are the source of the philosophy behind all ThetaHealing seminars and books. By learning the structure of the planes of existence, Vianna has been shown that it is possible to create new realities in this lifetime. She was also shown why she created difficult situations in her life.

The "Planes of Existence" seminar is the quantum mechanics of metaphysics. In this seminar, Vianna will take you into dimensions beyond this what she believes is the origin of life itself.

Vianna will take you on a journey that will take you beyond the learn the concept that in the theta state it is possible to move the power of thought faster than the speed of that you can connect with the energy of creation there before it this energy manifested in the here and now.


Through each of the planes of existence you experience a wealth of information and practices that amplify each plane. As a student you will experience the Seventh Level connection with the Creator of All That Is: These experiences you will have through the sixth level, where you will learn the wisdom of the Laws and Virtues, through the fifth level of Angels and Ascended Masters, through the dimensions and alternate realities, through the fourth level of ancestry and the third level of human beings and you will experience why we do what we do. You learn through the second level of plants and their healing properties, and through the first level of stones, earth and memories in the land, thus starting the process of self-evolving to master yourself.

seminar documents

The book ThetaHealing Seven Planes of Existence.


There are two alternative requirements for participation in this seminar:

Variant 1: Basic DNA, Structure DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator and Intuitive Anatomy
Variant 2: Basic DNA, Structure DNA, Dig Deeper, You and the Creator, You and your Inner Circle and World Relationships

Length of time

5 days


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Everlead Theme.

457 Big Blue Street, NY 10013
(315) 5512-2579

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