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| Intuitive Anatomy

ThetaHealing® Intuitive Anatomy Seminar.

Train your reading and belief work skills and learn which emotions are held in which body system.

The Intuitive Anatomy seminar is a profound journey of discovery that guides ThetaHealing® practitioners intuitively through the body and allows them to intuitively familiarize themselves with the organs and body systems. The student will discover the emotions and beliefs inherent in the body. This seminar enables the healing of the various emotions and belief systems that reside in the various body systems. We will then explore the beliefs held within each system and their relationship to physical “diseases.” Students have plenty of time for self-healing by working with other students on limiting beliefs. This is the seminar for ThetaHealing® practitioners who are serious, who have a desire to expand their abilities of readings and healing with ThetaHealing® in the physical body.


In the Intuitive Anatomy seminar, the ThetaHealing teacher guides students through the following topics, among others:

  • Get to know the magic of the human body.
  • Learn that illnesses and ailments go hand in hand with the expression of emotions.
  • Realize that emotions are signals that tell you that the body is out of balance.
  • Discover new emotional programs and beliefs associated with each body system.
  • Understand how much space is taken up with negative emotions.
  • Recognize the specific beliefs associated with an illness.
  • Practice doing body readings and accepting the client's free will.

The clearer students become, the easier it is for them to work with their clients and themselves. In each system, the student will encounter emotions, challenges, and issues that have been with him for a very long time. This seminar is designed for the Creator to build up healers. The friendships that develop in this seminar can be forever.

seminar documents

The ThetaHealing Intuitive Anatomy Handbook for Practitioners and an Up-to-Date Body Atlas.


Base, Structure, Dig Deeper and You and the Creator

Length of time

15 days

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Everlead Theme.

457 Big Blue Street, NY 10013
(315) 5512-2579

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