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| Manifest and Abundance

ThetaHealing® Manifesting and Abundance Seminar.

Learn to create your life and dissolve blockages.

At ThetaHealing, we believe that it is possible, in conjunction with the energy of creation, to create anything we need in our lives.

Every statement, thought and action reflects what we manifest in our lives. Every decision reflects what we create in our lives. Everything we think and say directly affects whether our manifestations are to our benefit or harm. If you keep saying you're poor, you'll be poor. However, if you constantly say and think that you are financially independent, you can create this. It is very important to always stay in a positive mindset.

The truth is that as we create our own reality, it is possible to manifest the best the world has to offer. However, you must first decide what you want in your life.


Find Your Blocks: We discuss various genetic and historical blocks that can block your manifestations and work to clear these blocks.

Questionnaire : This seminar uses an amazing questionnaire to help you discover the many surprising and deeply hidden blocks that stand between you and your goals. It shows you how deep you can dig to resolve them. It shows you intentions and the divine timing as well as how to make everything in your life work for you. You will then get all the new positive feelings you need to create abundance in your life.

Overflow List : In this seminar you will learn how to make a plan, set your goals and start pursuing your ideas to achieve your success. This is not a get-rich-quick guide, but rather a universal self-development tool to reach your potential for wealth in all aspects of your life.

What You Can Do Every Day: Learn what you can do every day to strengthen your manifestations.

Bless Your Environment: Learn to enrich your environment so that the right energies surround you.

Divine Timing : Learn how your Divine Timing can affect your manifestations.

The Future: Learn how to remember your future to check if there are still issues to be worked on in order for your manifestation to become a reality.

seminar documents

ThetaHealing Manifesting and Abundance Practitioner's Handbook.


Base DNA, Build DNA, and Dig Deeper

Length of time

2 days

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Everlead Theme.

457 Big Blue Street, NY 10013
(315) 5512-2579

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