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| animal seminar

animal seminar.

Learn to work with our animal friends.

This unique seminar was designed for those who love animals and have a deep connection and connectedness with all living things. In this two-day seminar you will gain a deeper understanding and confidence in healing animals. You will learn why we as humans behave the way we do, how our DNA really works and you will learn how to effect changes in your life through DNA.


With the animal seminar you will learn in-depth information about the third level of existence in which humans and animals live together. Those who attend this seminar will learn a great deal about communicating with animals. You will do different exercises where you will learn how to work with animals, be they domesticated or wild, how to learn from the animal kingdom and how to see the world around you in a new light. With an expanded understanding of the animal kingdom, we have the ability to gain insight into our own human nature and way of life. With this seminar you can expand your knowledge and prepare yourself for the information in the Planes of Existence seminar.

seminar documents

ThetaHealing Animal Seminar Practitioner's Guide.


Base DNA, Build DNA, and Dig Deeper

Length of time

1 or 2 days

August 2024
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Everlead Theme.

457 Big Blue Street, NY 10013
(315) 5512-2579

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